Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Love, The Stud

So anyone reading this blog obviously already knows that I love Joshua and that is pretty much enough of an explanation for this posting as far as I'm concerned!  My handsome man is the kicker for the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and I would say he does his job well.  Yesterday UAB played UT- for those of you non-footballers, that would be the University of Tennessee (yes they are a fairly large school, and yes you often see them on tv, but who cares?).  So my handsome man did not have such a good game yesterday, and has been pretty down because of it, which is natural of course, but I happen to strongly dislike it because I hate it when he's hurting and I can't fix it for him.  And after games like yesterday, I pretty much feel like I have the award for "terrible girlfriend of the year" because I am across the country and not available to cheer him up with a hug and a kiss. Mushy? Maybe, but hey, I love him!  Somedays I wish he truly new just how special he is, but it seems that words can never fully convey that message.  None of his teammates blame him for their loss, and his coaches still have incredible confidence in him.  And he has incredible support here at home from his friends and famil-oh and me :) I'll probably be in trouble for this at some point, but I am going to claim it anyway: I am and always will be Joshua Zahn's number one fan and supporter in everything he does-especially football cause I love it regardless of the outcome (though I do prefer to win, and I much prefer shut out games because they are less likely to give me a heart attack, which I'm sure is well on its way since I'm pretty sure my blood pressure rises to like 800 when I watch any game, especially those that JZ is participating in! Part of me prays that he will not one day choose the NFL just for fear that my poor little heart will explode :) )  Though I think he is probably not aware, I look up to and admire him SO very much.  He definitely has a courage and strength that I wish to someday possess.  Regardless of the toughness of a situation, he always finds a way to pull through it and come out better in the end.  He is his biggest critic, so I know that next week he will come back bigger, better and stronger and learn from the mistakes of last week.  I am so incredibly proud of him.  He works so hard to be the best he can be.  He is so selfless and incredibly loving.  Moreso than most people that I know, even when he really doesn't have to be-for example, with me, especially when I'm a butthead and cause more stress in his life than is necessary cause i'm being a dumbo!  He is definitely wise beyond his years-which sometimes I hate cause he points out things that I never think of and he makes me reevaluate them, but he's usually right (don't tell him I said that)!  He has an amazing since of humor and NEVER fails to make me laugh in a day.  He can make any situation positive, he can make any bad day better and best of all he loves me just for me, all my weirdness and faults and even the freckles on my nose (which I happen to loathe with the deepest part of my being).  Though I'm sure many other girls who have a man would claim they are the luckiest girls, I'm pretty sure that I have one this contest over so don't even bother trying to top me, cause I'm pretty sure I'll win regardless of what you might say!  I am definitely incredibly blessed to have been given the gift of Joshua in my life, I won't doubt that any day.  I don't quite know what I did to deserve such an amazing man to love me forever, but I am certainly not going to question the big man upstairs and his decision making! (partially for fear that maybe He'll check his records and say, "uh, actually i meant to send him to someone else that day" and rearrange history, which I'm pretty sure can never happen, but still.....not risking it!)  If you are ever reading this Joshua, I hope you know how much I truly love you with everything that I am.  Thank you for making my life so wonderful, for bringing smiles and laughter and showing me true, real, and unconditional love like I have never known before.  You are more than I deserve and better than anything I could have imagined happening in my life. :)
Now enough mushy lovey stuff cause I'm sure everyone is totally over it by now! :) smile a little smile today and tell someone you love them too!


p.s. Here's a picture of my stud in uniform, courtesy of those of you who care, that's Birmingham's local newspaper website!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Adventure Begins!

Hello everyone! I have decided to start a blog to document all of the crazy events that seem to occur in my everyday life! Hopefully this will be prove to be a source of enjoyment for you and for me as I share my thoughts and feelings and crazy stories! I don't know much about blogging yet, so bear with me as a learn to navigate this crazy thing! Technology and I generally do not agree, so at times I'm sure it will get interesting! Any hints or suggestions will be much appreciated at any time :)
