Wednesday, July 6, 2011

life update.

WARNING: this post contains a major complain-a-thon in roughly 50% of the post. yes i know thats negative. but its necessary. and i can't even have a full vent cause this is public and i can't monitor who reads it all the time. that being said, sometimes life is just rather sucky. the last few weeks are definitely that way. so please pray for the family since thats who needs it more than me right now.
on the upside, Chase FINALLLLYYYYY came back with our preapproval on a home loan yesterday. after 3 1/2 weeks. yes 3. they said it took 3 days max. but she forgot about us. annoying. BUT we have preapproval so home hunting is about to begin. i am hopeful that we will find something we can stay in a while with the way the market is and will probably stay.  but we will see. only time will tell. maybe we'll get super lucky and be in by september (only downside of that is i gotta pay bills much sooner than i was hoping for, but at least we'd have a roof and be nearly settled by the time december rolls around!).
Josh and I also went to Verizon this last week and created our own phone plan, another expense i didn't want to take on early, but it is boosting his credit score and we caught the last 2 days of the unlimited data plan deal. sweetness. and i have a lovely new android phone that i am currently much in love with since it operates so much better than my blackberry. in fact i think i might even figure out how to blog on that thing cause i could directly upload pictures. that would be glorious since i never seem to have my own computer any more. (and yes i know i have still failed to upload engagements, life is busy. ugh)
last week we also ordered his tux for the wedding. he will look rather dashing and handsome i do believe. he picked it all out himself (i'm not so sure im a fan of the bow tie yet, but maybe he will convince me).  i also had a make up trial with amber and i have a hair appointment with Lindsays hair dresser next week. she sounds awesome, if she is i will give you her number.
our daisy girl is doing well-minus the bladder infection she has had the last week. that was oh so fun, not. at least we only have 6 more days of meds, and hopefully she'll quit waking up to go out at 530 every morning so that i don't die of exhaustion. (i promise to post pictures of her too.)
our save the dates went out last week-well most of them, minus those few that have come back because people failed to give me apartment numbers or to tell me they moved last month lol. but its all good, they come out pretty!  and michelle is coming this week to look at the house. so we will officially be done after that. how lovely! i will post a picture of the save the date since not everyone got one, i only sent them to those out of state (sorry!).
alrighty, i'm at my desk so i should probably get to work since i still have 3 boxes of papers to put in the file drawers and probably about a million other activities. have a lovely wednesday!