Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We have finally hit the double digit stage of our wedding countdown!  Yes, 99 days does sound long, but not nearly as long as the 234 we started at!  I am ready for it to be here even though everyone tells me its about to be stressful.  I don't feel like it will be, in fact i think it will be fun since we have everything in order and everyone has assignments.  And in all honesty, I'm tired of waiting.  I'm ready to be out-and yes i know its a lot of responsibility and it isn't all a picnic............tell me what i don't know.  We are in the process of buying a house. it is incredibly stressful and nerve wracking.  and i feel like people i don't know are living in my bank accounts-literally. they are money sucking leeches too and i don't even have the dang house yet.  hopefully soon. it is a beautiful 3 bed 2 bath fairly close to gilbert and in a gated community.  it has just enough yard miss puppy can play and we can still do a little teeny tiny bit of landscaping-like really teeny tiny, but it's much better than most of what we have seen!  in all honestly i am uneasy about it at this point- we were looking just over 5 weeks, our agent found it at 1130pm, we saw it next day, completely bank owned, put on offer in, beat 4 other offers, the call came through that they accepted our offer while we were on vacation, all the paperwork was done for the loan before we even got the executed documents, the inspection came back with all things fixable by even me, and it only needs landscaping and a few ceiling fans. seriously, right now its all too surreal, its too good to be true or something. i'm a paranoid psycho right now-i cannot even explain. pray for it all to go well from here please!
puppy is doing good-she weighs in at more than 50 pounds now and has hit the 6 month mark, we had her spayed last month and she seemed to do well-let me tell you it is not easy to keep a cone on a lab puppy, nor is it easy to keep her from running, jumping, hopping, playing, moving......we are glad that those two weeks are over!
last week we got the opportunity to go to spokane, washington to visit josh's uncle rob and his girlfriend rhonda. it was a good time, it was so nice to be away from home for a little while, and spokane is beautiful and green and COOL. we even got to go to a theme park in idaho (which is where i gave the go ahead to purchase a house......yes i bought a house on vacation, i'm awesome)  i super sucked at taking photos this go round, wish i would have tho.  too bad cause it was so pretty, i was just so enjoying relaxing that i didn't even think about it!  but i did learn how to make homemade rolls, bread and cinnamon rolls- it was awesome. i am so using it so i become the ultimate house wife-i am determined to learn to make much from scratch!
today we bought the runner for the yard-and we did flowers with miss kalea taylor-they are going to be so much better than i thought, she can get everything whole sale because she is that awesome and when you get it wholesale you can get anything you want at anytime of year and even though daisies are not in season in december. kalea is my new favorite. we will have beautiful beautiful flowers-and they will have bling- i am so excited! 99 days could come a little faster please!