Thursday, December 1, 2011

3 years ago today

it's 12:37 am. i should have been in bed eons ago.  but let's be honest--does one ever sleep the night before what is to be the biggest day of your life? i mostly doubt it.

3 years ago in August, a cute boy came into my equipment room, never said two words, just grinned stupidly while he picked up his equipment. I came home from working football practice.  it was the first night in the history of the world i had come home and OUT LOUD mentioned that i thought a boy was cute.  he had blonde hair and blue eyes and a big goofy grin.  after mom's shock was over, she told me that it might be best not to date someone in the middle of season just in case things didn't work out.....5 days later i woke up to a text message from a number i didn't recognize, from a boy oh so excited to have found my number.

3 years ago on September 16th, 2009. a black jeep followed me home from football practice at 7pm.  my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when i realized it was actually following me into my driveway.  and in it was that blonde haired blue eyed boy, with a big goofy grin on his face.  and he asked me to kiss him. i was so scared and nervous that i avoided it for what felt like ten years, then i finally gave in and swiped my lips across his in less than .02 seconds and quickly ran away like a fool.  the next week i watched a football game at his house.  he took another girl to homecoming and my heart nearly broke. then a few weeks later i began to wonder if i wasn't just a game to him. but i wasn't. cause...

3 years ago on November 4th, 2008, in the parking lot outside of the rockin r ranch after a varsity football banquet, that same blonde haired, blue eyed boy with that cute goofy grin walked me to my car.  told me i was beautiful. and before he closed the door of his jeep, he said the words, "I love you." and drove away.

3 years ago on November 22nd, at a giant 18th birthday bash in my yard, that sweet blonde haired, blue eyed boy brought me pink roses. with a card that read, "someone like you only happens once in a lifetime"

3 years ago, the day after Thanksgiving, I woke up to a text from that blonde haired boy telling me what he thought of me and how we should grow old together.


3 years ago today, on December 1st, that same blonde haired, blue eyed boy, with that silly, irresistible grin, sat me down on the couch in the living room of his mom's house and said, "i know the next 6 months will be uncertain, and we may be far away at colleges next year, but would you be willing to take a journey with me to see where it leads? will you be my girlfriend?"


here we are, 3 years later on the same day.  again ready to start a new uncertain journey together. the last few years have brought many changes and challenges, many blessings and opportunities.  and i know this new journey will be the same-but this time it is a little bigger, and i get to be the wife :)

I love you Joshua Zahn.  I love our crazy life, where we have been, and where we are going.  I am so proud to be your wife and share another whirlwind journey with you on a grander scale than before.  I am excited to take on this new challenge with you by my side, and to know that as we discover our journey this time, we will be doing it united as one.

Today I will marry my prince charming and begin a new life with my very best friend.  It may be a crazy life, but it will be a wonderful one, and it will be ours.  A life full of love. A life full of laughter.  Everyday. :)


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