Saturday, January 19, 2013

The slumbering beauty

You probably cant tell, but thats my sleeping husband and the pile of laundry I am currently working on-his favorite Thor shirt. I dont know if you can make out the number on the clock, but its after midnight. I wasnt home all day since I was at work, and we wont be home tomorrow because joshs uncle is flying into town so we'll be together all day tomorrow. No one knows this, but I rather suck at being a housewife. Its been nearly 2 weeks since I did a load of laundry. I just cleaned the bathrooms tonight after what I think has been at least 3 weeks (thank goodness for whoever invented those lysol clings bowl cleaners for toilets), I finally emptied the dishwasher load that I washed last sunday, bathed the dogs and washed 4 loads of laundry since 8pm. I want to have a clean house, I just never seem to be home to keep it that way. How it gets so full of ceap everywhere is beyond me...tho we are pretty much pros at dumping whatever is with us and running back out the door....anywhoooo
I felt compelled to post this. Why? I have no clue. Maybe because im discovering I like this outlet for my thoughts. Marriage is not always what it seems and I wanted to document it as it is in this moment I guess. ( if I never have another post on this blog its probably because the slumbering husband discovered this picture and killed me). Tonight the aforementioned man decided to hook a giant computer box up to our tv and take up a cubby of the entertainment center. We went to walmart for some ever so important adapter so he could complete this project. Did we get to do the grocery shopping there? No. Because we just needed that adapter. Why do we need this computer set up? Because what if you ever want to access the entire internet from your tv? (I hope you feel the sarcasm) I could give two hoota about all that. But whatev. So we now have a tv with a computer hook up. He spent 3 hours getting it set up and making sure that the sound worked. Then he nade sure to watch many YouTube videos to test it. All while im doing laundery and scrubbing bathrooms to death. In his defense, he did ask if I wanted help foldig a load before he ceawled into bed. And he doesnt feel so hot after dinner, so I shouldn't be irritated. Why am I? Dunno. But I am slightly irked about all of this evening. While I was balancing the newly dried load on the end of the bed, trying to keep him from rolling over on it or impaling himself with one of the shirt hangers, I realized that this is just our life! It just is weirdness and unexplainable stupid projects,  its messy and exhausting and totally imperfect on every level.  We argue, we get angry, I get irritated thinking that while hes sleeping and tangling himself up in the blanket I am standing on my tired feet folding his socks and going to be freezing cold since I cant get that blanket back when I crawl in bed....but this is who we are. This is our wonderfully imperfect life. We are happy in it the way it is. I love him tremendously,  and he loves me back. We irritate the living snot out of each other somedays. There are some days that this whole marriage thing is really hard. But I would never trade it, even on it's worst days, it is still the biggest blessing of my life.
So I'll go crawl in bed now, without a blanket, probably with some serious snoring and a head/arm/leg/body all up on my side of the bed. And ill probably be irritated about it for a minute, and then I'll settle in and smile to myself. Because thats my slumbering husband, snoring and hogging the bed and the covers, but he loves me. Despite the fact that he almost didnt have a clean pair of underwear anymore. And this imperfect messy life full of laundry at midnight is ours. And im okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. marriage can definitely be the farthest thing from easy, but my husband is still the best decision i ever made!! :)
