Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Craziness

okay so i apologized for my lack of postings before with the full intention of having time to update said blog.....yeah well we know how well that worked out for me. ha. december is such a crazy month with all of the holdiay things going on, and on top of all of it i had work, made an emergency trip to the good ol birmingham, moved josh into his new place, wrapped 3000 gifts, baby sat my favorite kiddos, stressed out over everything under the sun, and then came Christmas. so let's recap my last month-i will try to keep it short, but no promises can be made as i have a lot to say about this crazy month.

so at the very beginning of the month, my love was struggling with the decision to keep playing football yet again, he's never been in love with it like soccer, and he has wanted several times to give it up and come home, but he always toughs it out and stays, convincing himself that he'll love it with all manner of creative excuses, some of which made me laugh. but this time he decided he really was going to come home. i will let you imagine how that went anyway after all of THAT was over, dad and avery and i drove our buns to birmingham to pick up the man. somehow we managed to cram an entire dorm into a mini van and a g35. we are packing geniuses.  the trip was A BLAST (minus the ridiculously long 15 hour days of driving), avery and dad were hysterical, and then adding josh to the mix made it even funnier.  we ate lots of yummy southern food, said goodbye to our friends, nearly died at the vulcan from slipping on ice, froze our buns off, laughed until we cried, and of course drove until our butts were numb from sitting so long.  all in all, it was great, despite the less than lovely circumstances under which we were coming.  i will definitely miss birmingham and the new friends i made there, but we have decided we will come back to visit often (and after the little icy episode, i think i'm rather grateful that i won't be living there after all.....) once we got joshua home we moved him into his dad's with all of his stuff and he settled in quite quickly.  we have had a blast since he's been home-minus the 30 minute drive part and me having to always find a car since josh is currently using mine full time.

the week before christmas was usual.  it was mostly enjoyable though we had some fairly large stressors in there.... on sunday we went to church and had lunch with bachan (josh's grandmother on his dad's side) and then we went to zoolights with sammy and his girlfriend jen. it was interesting. and the weather was nice, like 70 degrees nice lol. on monday we had dinner with Chris and Jihae and the kiddos. love em. they are superly awesome, made us feel a little better about our current situation too, which is always nice when you have good peeps to talk to. they are great siblings even though they are not officially mine. the rest of the week was just busy with cookies and family and people visiting and work and present wrapping. Christmas eve josh and i dressed in matching Grinch shirts for our family parties, first his dad's and then my mom's.  Christmas day we ditched the shirts and kindly wore nice church clothes, i'm bummed i don't have a picture tho because we did look rather dashing. Christmas morning was great with my family and then we headed off to the watson family christmas. it was good, but we were super tired and stressed after, so it was nice to be able to just relax.  i'm glad the kiddos liked their gifts tho, they are super fun to shop for and so hard not to spoil! 
oh and i almost forgot, joshua bear bought us a red wii for christmas, it is pretty cool if i do say so myself. it is currently living in his room at his dad's as i have no house or place to put it and we already have a wii in the family room, but one day it will have a place of its own when i have a place of my day.

things seem to be winding down a bit, which is good, i'm looking forward to the new year even though it feels like it is coming too quickly.  i am ready to leave this year behind though. it has been nice, but a little too stressful lately and i'm ready to move past that.  however, i am not looking forward to the next 12 weddings we must attend, and NO that is not an exaggeration.  we know 9 couples who have been engaged in the last week and a half and we already had 3 other weddings to attend starting next week. so blah on all that. even though i should be congratulating all of them. in light of our current situation and the fact that once again we will have to wait because people are having issues and the fact that they are in complete control of the situation i'm rather bah humbug about anyone else getting married. i shouldn't be, but i am. especially those who have dated approximately 6 months and are getting married in 5 or 6 months. we know 4 of those. they seem slightly unfair. tho that is just probably my bad attitude talking since EVERYTHING seems rather unfair at the moment.  hopefully things will be brighter soon.

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