Friday, December 31, 2010

hello 2011, what do you bring?

well that time has come again to begin a new year. i'm excited, but a little apprehensive to be completely honest. there is always so much uncertainty....even though i trust that everything will all work and out and be great, there is always that fear in the back of your mind.  though i am usually a lover of change, lately i have been a little shy, though i have no real reason to be. i think maybe it is largely due to overwhelming amounts of stress.....

tonight i shall spend the evening with my man, doing nothing but enjoying each other, i am rather excited since this is a new opportunity for us. and we are loving it.  i am sure that this new year will bring us many of these great opportunities since he is now a resident of the desert once again.  last night we went on a rare date night. it was glorious, even in all of its goofy simplicity.  he is a very sweet and thoughtful guy. i am very lucky that is for sure.

though i am very unsure about what 2011 will bring us, i do know that we will make it through it and enjoy most of every minute of it. i have not hated 2010, though there was much unpleasantness in parts of it, there were also so many wonderful things about it.  but 2011 is looking much better and far anyway lol.

i am excited about the potential for great things in 2011, there will be much opportunity to grow in business and hopefully better our futures.  it will not be an easy road that is for sure, since there will be much financial burden due to our current situation, but i think it will prove to be a great learning opportunity and many life lessons will be shared and hopefully overcome.

i'm not one for new years resolutions usually, i feel that you don't need a calender change over to a new year to have change for the better, but i do have a few things that i would like to improve on, and the first of the year seems like a great place to start those things.  some of these things include, better blogging, a positive attitude (which is proving to be a difficult one amongst the stress and annoyances of late, esp. the upcoming wedding situations which i don't want to deal with cause i'm feeling like its all very much unfair at the moment even though i shouldn't), more work, better saving, more learning, going to school and completing classes, finding new ways to love, spending lots of time with my man,  keeping things very clean and organized, being better about trusting in the Lord and finding new ways to let things go.  i'm sure there will be many more things i find to work on, but those are standing out most in my mind at the moment.  i would say i should also work on building better relationships with others, but right now that is a issue that has left me rather burned or scarred and i'm not particularly interested in that right at this moment, maybe with a little bit of time i will feel like that is doable again. 

i hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, i hope new opportunities will come, dreams will come true, much love will find you, and that there will be more happiness than tears.  i love the people in my life and cannot wait to share the new adventures of a new year with all of those who are sharing this crazy journey that is life.

Happy New Year everyone! 2011 here we come!

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