Sunday, February 27, 2011

13 days left in the countdown!

only thirteen more days til its time to leave for our lovely trip to disney! i am so excited! but i still get so tired so i'm hoping the next 13 days will give me enough rest to help keep me energized enough to fully enjoy each day! i'm doing pretty good considering i only had like 8 hours of sleep in the last 2 days-but i did get to nap today! i love taking over josh's big comfy bed while he does laundry and builds a floor in a storage room. its amazing with it's foam topper and soft sheets-seriously the boy has like 700 thread count sheets. we will never be able to buy cheap sheets again. but i will say it is a nice luxury. i slept for 4 hours before i ever realized i was out cold. i cannot wait to marry that boy and steal that bed :) well and cause i love him too!
we went bowling tonight after i woke up! i'm tired now but it was fun! i didn't do too bad either considering! hopefully this week will be restful and very busy-i hadn't planned on missing a week and a half of work before vacay-its killing our vacation money. but hopefully i can make up some this week!
p.s. josh bought a 65 inch tv. yes. 65. its huge. but cool. and he promised no more toy buying for a few years! AND its allowed us to go shopping for an entertainment center! we got to go to ikea today! that was fun. this week we're gonna go out to goodwill to find a table and a dresser or too! hopefully next weekend we can paint! joshy told me i'm not allowed to paint until HE can help me :) silly boy.
last night we made some alfredo like we saw on kitchen boss. we are gonna be the next kitchen bosses lemme tell ya. we made a bomb italian dinner. i knew i was keeping that boy for something :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

welcome back mono, you were not missed

so here i am day 5 of being sick and doing absolutely nothing. thrilling. i determined after day 2 that it was mono revisiting.  now in day 5 i'm 115% positive.  thank goodness i only had one day of fever that never went over 101.5. but i have the awesome rash, and now today i am yellow and i have sausage fingers and toes. yuck. i'm supposed to be going to the doctor in a bit here to determine what my liver function is-i'm guessing that it's not in the normal range considering i look like squash.
on the upside-miss emma arrived yesterday on 2/17 at 7 am, all 7 pounds and 7 ounces of her. i am so bummed that i have been sick and won't get to see her.  nor did i get to give the kids their valentine boxes. ugh mono ruins everything.
i have to be better in a few weeks-i am NOT missing the disney trip.
wish me luck-hopefully i won't be a bloated yellow mess next time i'm posting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

happy mailboxes

so i kinda have this problem with cutesy things. i love them too much i think.  especially when they are in the dollar bins. something i will soon have to curb-well not entirely cause i can still have some crafting and be on a budget even if it's all from the dollar bin. i am gonna be the queen of crafting here pretty soon my friends. i have BIG plans. which will be detailed laterrrrr cause that's a whole nother post. 
so anyways-valentines day is coming up, and while its not like the most important holiday ever BUT there are lots of fun cutesy things, and it's a good excuse to have overly cutesy things that the boy-o doesn't really love. but he humors me. so i love him even more for his large amount of patience and tolerance. :) so target has a super fun dollar bin. and i found super cute mailboxes in it. they are pretty decent size too! i made a bunch of cutesy mailboxes for the kiddos cause they are just now at the age where they are starting to understand the holidays, especially miss lily cause she is now in preschool!  so i spoiled all of them. including miss emma, who is not here yet, but will be soon, so i didn't want her to miss out! and i found super fun mom and dad gifts too-marital bliss candy bars!  i will post pictures shortly when i have a camera with a battery!  i even made mailboxes for Rob and Dustin at the other office! i wish i had thought to get pictures of theirs too, cause i went ALL out for theirs-mostly just to embarass them :) i love love love crafting and wish i had more time, hopefully one of these days i will!
tomorrow should have an exciting story so i'm outta here for now!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

time for some changes

so the last week has been full of much reflection, and more talking than was probably necessary, but joshua tells me it's good to let it all out, so i did.  though most of it i feel was rather ugly, i do feel better, a little lighter. i am normally a big fan of change, but for some reason this is much harder for me than anything else to change.  i can let go of nearly anything, i have no problem with people most of the time.  but for some reason i just can't let this go, and i am letting everything said eat me up inside.  which is rather unhealthy.  i'm a rather ugly person inside lately and i don't particularly like it, and nor is it what the man deserves to be with.  so its time to fix it.  he certainly is a big help to me, even though i am usually a stubborn butt about being helped, i'm very glad he is so patient though, it will definitely help. 
on the upside, joshua bought me an awesomely awesome pair of new shoes (which i will be buying a second pair of as soon as our disney tickets have been paid for).  they are the reebok zigtechs.  and they are heaven on your feet.  seriously, after 8 hours on my feet they are only achey and tired, they are no longer painful all day long, and the arches nearly reach the top of my overly high arch and i'm forced to stand up straight, and i'm pretty sure my poor little butt and legs have had quite the little workout lately.  but i love love love them.  he is so good to me.  he even got a pair too and now we match very cutely like, except his are black and white and manly, and mine are black and HOT pink, like neon. and they are sexy. 
i ordered a new battery today for my poor little computer, so hopefully that will be here soon and i will be a little faster about posting more than once every ten years.  hopefully this time my computer will not fry it like it did the last one, that would be much appreciated since it's nearly $200 for a freaking battery to replace the dang one i have.  in case you were not aware, it now lasts a total of 3 minutes while unplugged from the wall, and after 5 minutes of inactivity  while plugged into the wall, it shuts down completely and you must reboot. MOST annoying.  and not conducive to online schooling, so i'm getting it fixed so i can start soonly. ish. blah.
the man and i went to dinner today too-took him to nando's for our "monthiversary".  yes we count them still.  mostly just cause while he was in birmingham it was kinda like a countdown and something to look forward to each month!  i usually sent him a funny goofy card i found at walmart cause it's fun to get mail and it usually helped to boost his spirits a least i think so.  anyways we had a date night to celebrate and it was lovely.
but now i am sleepy and i have to get up again for work tomorrow so it is BED TIME. glorious.  my favorite time of day.