Friday, February 18, 2011

welcome back mono, you were not missed

so here i am day 5 of being sick and doing absolutely nothing. thrilling. i determined after day 2 that it was mono revisiting.  now in day 5 i'm 115% positive.  thank goodness i only had one day of fever that never went over 101.5. but i have the awesome rash, and now today i am yellow and i have sausage fingers and toes. yuck. i'm supposed to be going to the doctor in a bit here to determine what my liver function is-i'm guessing that it's not in the normal range considering i look like squash.
on the upside-miss emma arrived yesterday on 2/17 at 7 am, all 7 pounds and 7 ounces of her. i am so bummed that i have been sick and won't get to see her.  nor did i get to give the kids their valentine boxes. ugh mono ruins everything.
i have to be better in a few weeks-i am NOT missing the disney trip.
wish me luck-hopefully i won't be a bloated yellow mess next time i'm posting.

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