Tuesday, September 27, 2011

65 days and counting

We are SO close to the 2 month mark people! I am beyond thrilled right now-but SO ready for the wait to be over lol.  Not that anyone really cares, but I have to tell you anyway because it excites me.
I have checked off a TON of stuff in the wedding to do list this last month!  We are SO close to being 100% done with it that I could throw a party!
Here is my list of accomplishments:
  • Bridesmaid dresses ordered (plus one extra)
  • Meeting with Michelle from idoparties to finalize plans. (she's amazing check her out please www.idoparties.blogspot.com)
  • Ordered boys bright blue socks
  • fitted everyone for vans
  • after 4 failed attempts for the vans i originally wanted, we came up with a new planand ordered a total of 17 vans, half from the store and half delivered to my door step-FOR FREE. yes.
  • ordered unnecessary "mrs. zahn" hanger for photos. i love it, so everyone can stop asking me why. because i said so and i can and it was on sale on etsy and i got 2 dollar shipping and because my photographer will do something super cool with it, kapeesh?
  • found super amazing thank you gifts and bridesmaid gifts on etsy
  • ordered said amazing gifts
  • ordered matching necklaces for my girls (again from etsy, love that place)
  • ordered shrugs for dresses
  • ordered 2 boxes of wedding sparklers, got FREE shipping, and gave half of one box to Lindsey and Michael Carter for their wedding
  • handmade 35 ceremony and 235 reception invites with Tracy, Lynn, Mom, Emily and Nicole while they boys had a "play date" with guns in the desert. it took us 8 hours, but those girls are awesome
  • scheduled my dress fitting despite the fact that i majorly failed at working out and will probably be to big for the durned tiny dress in 2 weeks. don't judge me. i went on vacation. then halloween started advertising and there is a stupid candy bucket on my desk. i have no self control. i have since realized i picked a super terrible time to plan a wedding if i wanted to be smaller not bigger. halloween, 4 birthdays, bridal showers, thanksgiving, wedding, christmas. holy food and excess poundage. ugh
  • found blue sprinkles for dessert bar
  • picked more desserts to finalize menu for dessert bar
  • found a projector for the wedding video
  • finished a folder of pictures to be dumped in said wedding video
  • ALMOST finished the wedding website where all people will rsvp and find registry information. talk about ridiculousness. i still have to input the entire guest list before the invites depart my humble abode, that may take me a week, literally.
  • ordered an amazingly hilarious sign for our guest book table (again from etsy. yes i realize it is a terrible habit okay? it's not over yet tho, i have super huge plans for my money and that website....)
  • talked to Kalea Taylor about wedding flowers, she is super awesome and designed a bouquet far better than my original idea. AND it includes bling. i'm in heaven. oh and i get a zebra ribbon. take that.
  • found a scrapbook for our guest book-and my cousin Lynn is going to help me make it if i can ever get to Tucson! such a sweetie!
  • WE FOUND OUR FIRST DANCE SONG. this is a big deal okay? it's been in debate. but we found the most perfectest one ever. now we just need to fill two more hours with music lol thank goodness we meet with Joey tomorrow to discuss dj-ing business.
  • MOM found the most perfect necklace and got it for 4 dollars because she used her super kohls cash. i just said one day, i think i want a pendant like "insert my description during convo here" and she nailed it AND saved super big money. solid
  • found a picture of a hairdo i would like. sick.
  • scouted out jewelry shops for josh's ring-which we will be buying this next month for sure because i feel as if we are already WAY behind in that.. no biggy. can be handled.
as for now, that is all i can come up with off the top of my little noggin.

hate to leave you with a cliff hanger but i'm going to.........tomorrow i have a HUGE story to tell you. and hopefully lots of pictures!  Joshua booger wouldn't let me tell you so you have to settle for this sad little wedding countdown list instead. forgive me. i promise tomorrow will be worth it.

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