Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Invites, Countdowns and Missing Camera Chargers......

Okay so i totally left everyone hanging on that last post. SUPER apology. please accept it.  let me just give you a quick rundown of how the whole "share the big news thing" really went down.

So I posted that the day before we had a scheduled appointment to sign our closing docs. I probably single-handedly jinxed us, but i like to blame it on josh's brother chris who kindly texted us as we entered the appointment saying something along the lines of "hopefully you have no curveballs!". good job chris.  we got there at 4. waited til 8, finally signed docs sometime after 8 (which consequently meant that we couldn't watch chris's kids for the evening-that'll show him! just kidding jihae- we love your husband and your kids and we still feel super bad for not watching them that day!)  so anyway, docs were signed and we were supposed to get a call the next day for our keys............3 days later on friday at 4 pm we got the call that we officially owned the house.  i will let you guess how those three days full of phone calls went. you can imagine it well i'm sure.  SO ANYWAY..........we are home owners!! josh moved into the house the first weekend of october, despite the fact that we had no appliance and only one working sink. but no biggy.  a boy can survive just fine with his dog and a dorm fridge!  last week we officially got all the appliances, brand new faucets for the sink and finished building the table and the entertainment center.  it is all starting to come together quite nicely!
in the middle of all of this, i somehow found time to send invitations out nearly a week late. successful i know.  at least they are out people!  life is a little hectic right now!  the good news is, that everyone has their assigned jobs now, everything is all in order, invites are out, and life is good!  so now we are officially done, we just have to get to the wedding week and all will be well!
i promised some folks some pictures of the new house..........i fully intended to have them in this post.......i cleaned up the house too, vacuumed, dusted, put all the boxes away neatly, put dishes in cupboards and picked up the dog toys daisy conveniently spread across the living room floor. and i was pleased with the effort despite the fact that the dog brings in massive amounts of dirt on a second by second basis. and then i learned that my camera battery is at 4%. and we cannot find the charger anywhere. and the only other camera we have is a 5 mega pixel and will not provide us decent photos.........so please bear with me.  it is most likely in one of the last few boxes i have left to move
from my parents house to our new house.  i must say, as nice as it is to almost have our house in order, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live out of two houses and try to remember which house contains what.....only 5 more weeks tho! thank goodness!  and i promise some pictures will arrive as soon as i can find the blasted charger!

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