Monday, October 15, 2012

MIA i am again. let's just pretend it hasn't been 100 years, shall we? it would make me feel like i don't have to apologize.....and it would mean I can deny the fact that i have royally sucked at documenting life the last year......oh well.  A brief recap i guess?
We bought a new car in March, built a new patio in May, took a trip to California in May, new car was in a wreck in July, took a trip to California again the end of September and here we are now in October..... when I saw it that way it certainly seems less busy.... But it has been everything but that around here.  We have been working between  50 and 60 hours consistently, each and every week.  We usually work on Saturdays and a good 3 or 4 nights in the week.  Sunday is usually our only day off, and quite frankly, by the time I am done with all of the chores and laundry and all the other crap I never got to in the week, I don't have much time to blog, nor do i have the energy!  That and I clearly suck at documenting any life through photography.......we took two vacations and I have like 6 pictures to show for it......eesh.  Since I discovered Instagram, I have been much better about taking pictures, but it's usually nothing of great importance or value, and it usually does not contain me or the failllll once again.  Oh well.  To follow up this post, I'm going to add a few of the pictures I've taken just so that they are somewhere......

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