Wednesday, January 19, 2011

i don't have a title today

random title i know...but i don't have one, my thoughts are just kinda randomly everywhere!  i think i'm probably just exhausted cause it's been a crazy day! but that's okay! i had a fun time working with my man again and he helped me clear up such a giant pile of filing today! he is so good to me!  he always knows just how to make me laugh too!  we had fun playing at walmart too, but he wouldn't let me play in the valentine's section-big meany!  we spent lots of time talking about cars today too, lots and lots of ideas, just not enough money to execute them...YETTTT-hopefully soon though! i happily bought some cookie dough to eat-not all at once of course, i rarely treat myself to it, but i did today-it is the little things ya know....ha. i am currently watching tlc's my strange addiction-it is VERY strange, but it doesn't freak me out nearly as their hoarders show does..that one freaks me out more than i can even explain to you. every episode i see i have to go clean something and throw it out. no joke. it is not funny.  kills me.  let's not talk about it anymore please.

anyways.....i hope everyone had a good day! i'll be back.....

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