Thursday, January 6, 2011

thursday date night

my new favorite thing is date night.  especially on thursdays when things are cheap and not many people are out to make things busy. yes please.  tonight we decided to go bowling. at first i pooed this idea mostly due to my slim finances-so joshua says, i will call and see how much it is, maybe we can get an afternoon deal. so i say okay go ahead, still thinking that we're not going for less than fifty bucks if we wanna play more than one game. and low and behold it was "dollar mania night". yes please.  we bowled i believe 5 games, and had shoe rental for a total of $21.8something. yes i sad $21 as in a 20+1. we will now be going bowling more than once every 6 months since it does not cost me 3 days of work. which makes me happy because it makes the man WAY happy since he loves bowling-and i humor him.  don't get me wrong, i do like bowling, but i ROYALLY SUCK at it in everyway.  so i do not go just for me cause i never score above 100 most days. yes i am that bad.  don't say a word and if you laugh i will come find you.  joshua is very good however, coming from a family of bowlers (his grandfather is in the bowling hall of fame okay? yeah i have NO chance. plus the kid just wins at everything he even tries dammit. we can't even play board games without him winning everytime. and anything athletic i should just throw in the towel before we start-but i love all of his talent, so i am not bitter. well maybe just a little, because i do have a somewhat competitive side sometimes.). So bowling date night was a success and it didn't kill my wallet which is lovely.  then i took the man to his favorite mexican restaurant, or rather he took us and i paid since he was the driver, but whatever.  and we at for less than 25. loveliness.  tomorrow we have decided that we will rent a redbox for a dollar and go out for icecream WITH a coupon which means i only have to pay for ONE ice cream.  i am becoming the QUEEN of coupons and we aren't even married. i am determined to be good at this and i WILL be finding ways for us to go to disneyland in march, and have one of us a new car by the end of the year, AND even though i'm not supposed to be talking about it, i will be saving for our wedding and have over half of the needed moola before the years end. i am determined.
on a side note, i got my new purse today. mother and sister were gonna get me one for christmas, very sweet, but the one i wanted was no longer there and they worried about which one, so instead they let me go pick.  normally i would NEVER ever ever spend more than 20 dollars on a purse, cause i just don't because i'm a cheapwad, BUT since they had planned on buying me a nicer one at $45, i definitely was not going to disappoint, especially since they were very nice.  unfortunately this may prove to be a bad decision, because now i super love this new purse and it's high quality and they have MANY more beautiful ones and i do believe i will be getting another. and probably before i even wear this one out. uh oh.  BUT on a positive note, i think i CAN get another one in a month or two, maybe i'll even wait for some new styles to come out, because i have been upped on the pay scale.  YES. it's not a whole lot, but it's a heck of a lot more when the paycheck comes in so i am a happy girl that is for sure! i hope everyone has a lovely friday!  i am sure i will have some adventures to share this weekend so....i'll be back...

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