Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm 22

I turned 22 yesterday.......Doesn't really feel very exciting gotta tell ya!  I went to work for a half day and then spent the rest of my afternoon cleaning my Mom's house for Thanksgiving and baking rolls for like 17 hours...not really but I was up til 2am doing that....

The hubs bought me a winter jacket that counted as my anniversary present!  It's super nice, and it will be perfect for super cold and snowy weather.  I do not have any great winter coats.......I live in the desert, so this is a special treat.

He also got me a bunch of gift cards to go on dates and things at Hobby Lobby and Home Depot.  He loves me a lot.  He cutely painted, worte, drew, crafted, on the outside of each gift card.  He painted the envelope of the one for Home Depot, because he bought it so I could buy the paint I wanted.  He drew my name in chilies on the envelope for a date night to Chili's.  He's super cute!

He also took me out to dinner to Macayo's.  It is definitely one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, mostly because the Baja sauce is AMAZING.  Seriously, it is so good on everything.  I love that man.

I am anxiously awaiting our anniversary getaway.  I have ordered his gift, I'm just waiting for the pieces to come in.  I'm crossing my fingers they make it before we leave.  Can't wait to tell you about it when we get back.  I also have almost ALL of the Christmas shopping done.  I decorated the house for Christmas on the 17th.  I'm a little excited.  That, and I declared war on the crap month that it has been in November.

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.  Ours was the same as always, just in a smaller number this year.  We only had 29 instead of like the normal 50.  We will hopefully do some annual cookie baking tomorrow and the rest of our Christmas shopping Saturday.  I'll keep you posted......hopefully.

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