Thursday, November 22, 2012

When life decides to take a crap on you

I was hoping that I would have many happy things to update about here in the month of November........but this month decided to just take a crap on all of us in the Zahn-Hall family.  My sister moved out on her 18th birthday, in the middle of the day, completely unexpectedly, with no warning.  I work with my parents, so I see them every single day.  I will let you guess where she moved.  It's been really hard and heartbreaking, especially to see my parents a complete wreck like they are.  My dad crashed his new car that he bought 3 months prior.....they deemed it totaled.  Business is slower than we would hope for, and we all know what kind of stress that brings.  And to top all of it off, I have had massive nausea for 3 weeks.  Don't get excited, it's not THAT kind of nausea.  The smell of food makes my stomach it did 3 years ago.......i get like 4 bites into my dinner and it acts like it wants to come back it did 3 years ago.......I've lost 7 pounds in the last 3 weeks, but my belly is increasingly bloated.  Anyone else having Mono flashbacks yet?  I am more than not pleased.  I can't believe that I could possibly have to endure that again.  Definitely not cool.  I cannot 100% guarantee that this is exactly what's happening.....but I lived through it once so I'm pretty sure.  A blood test will definitely confirm both non functioning liver and an active mono virus floating around............and yippee I get to do that soon.  I am actually really excited about getting that started.  If you have never heard of Dr. Greg Allen at Deseret Aesthetics, you are missing out on a really cool Doc, and a really great thing for your body.  They have a really great natural hormone therapy program.  Everyone is lacking in hormones and other vitamin crap your body needs, but it's hard to get it in the foods we eat etc.  His pills, creams, etc are all natural so I'm game for that.  I was seeing a naturopath last year and it helped some, but never very much.  We also never did a hormone test, her first concern was to make sure I didn't end up with that nasty acid rash again with all the stress leading up to the wedding.  I didn't have one so yay there, but my body is just completely destroyed from mono.  I've had endometriosis since I started being a cool beans, but Mono made it SIGNIFICANTLY worse.  I can sit still in my chair, or lay in bed, and my cramps are so intense I can black out without moving.  It's a serious talent.  My hair, my nails, my skin, my metabolism, my energy, my everything has pretty much 100% sucked since Mono.  I hate it, but I've just learned to live with it.  My hormones are most definitely whack, I've had issues with cysts on and off this year and the worsened endometriosis is also a clue.  The cysts and endometriosis by themselves would make it hard enough to have kids when we can finally afford to do so.......I would have been pregnant ages ago, but even if we were in a position to afford it, it could take months or even years of trying.  I was more than disappointed to learn THAT. lemme just tell ya.  Seriously bummed.  I've been trying to come to terms with that and deal with it, but it just bums me out, so I'm not really dealing with  it.  It is the goal with the new hormone program that we could reverse the effects of endometriosis and eventually eliminate it completely.  With the right amount of hormones, etc., my body would function properly and there would be no endometriosis problem because there would be no hormone problem.  This would also help reduce some risk of miscarriage once I could actually get pregnant.  Hopefully it really will work.  I would be super even more bummed if it took years to get pregnant.  I can't wait for the day that we can finally be at the point where we can really say it's time.  Financially, I think we won't be....which sucks, but it is what it is.  I get really tired of people telling me that we should wait for years and spend time as a couple.  That's not what WE want, and WE are the bosses, we just can't afford to be the bosses of that right now.  Oh well, all in due time I guess.

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