Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Birmingham Surprise Trip Day 5

Tuesday-the dreaded day of leaving. lol. i always hate leaving, and i truly have fallen in love with birmingham, so it makes it even harder to leave cause i've made friends there AND my man is there-it makes me want to stay! in the morning joshua had early practice, so i took myself to startbucks and watched the rain-it was more like a hurricane than beautiful peaceful rain and i had NO jacket and NO umbrella-and i was supposed to WALK to Snoozy's Bookstore up the street a half mile to meet my love after practice.......ugh lol, when it finally slowed down enough that i wouldn't get completely drenched and soaked i headed up the street, only to find joshua's car already in the parking lot-and he was an hour and a half early. i felt so terrible, so i went inside to look for him but couldn't find him anywhere-and my phone battery died that morning cause i forgot my charger......glorious. so i wandered the store cause i wanted to get some christmas presents there and about ten minutes later josh comes in and laughs because as i headed up the street, he headed down the street over to find me in the starbucks and then walked all the way back around to the bookstore hoping i would be there since he couldn't call me-oops lol. he got rained out of practice so he had been there a good half hour waiting out the rain too! dang rain! we did lots of shopping and spent too much money probably, but it will be worth it come christmas! after all of our shopping we went back to the dorm and had leftover casserole for lunch and watched some tv and then i helped jesse with his history paper! then josh remembered he had a video game waiting for him at the mall so he took me to see the mall and get the game-it was a fun little date! then shortly after i had to leave :( so he drove me to the airport and i didn't cry this time thank goodness-and walked inside to check my 2 bags, cause i somehow ended up leaving with twice as much as i brought lol. i got through ticketing quickly, but i discovered that the line for security check point was to the food courts...which means nothing to you if you've never been in the birmingham airport but it was LONG. and to my dismay i found that my flight was not at 4 like i thought, but instead at 315, and it was 245. i thought i was really gonna cry, but somehow i made it through the ridiculous line in only 10 minutes, and got to the gate only to learn that the flight was delayed a good half hour probably-such a bummer :( but at least i made it! i ended up stuck next to a lady who talked my ear off all the way to tennessee, through the layover in nashville, and all the way back to phoenix-i was more than happy to be off of that plane, but i was wishing i was touching down in bham again and not in phoenix lol. though my family came to get me and we all went out for wings, so it wasn't too totally terrible, and plus i was super hungry by then cause i'd had casserole a good 8 hours before and a bag of tiny peanuts on the plane-yuck. it was such a good trip tho and i'm SO so glad i got so much time with my boy! he even surprised me with an early birthday gift- a shirt -before i left! one he let me pick in snoozy's as a birthday present :) it is an awesome long sleeve with the blazer logo on the front and down the sleeve-i love it and i wear it often, he's the best! and he comes home in 4 weeks! SO excited!

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