Saturday, November 6, 2010

hello curling iron :)

so today while cleaning my room and being super proud of the fact that i only have 2 loads of laundry cause all of my other laundry is already packed-i discovered that i really truly had not finished packing like i thought!  i completely forgot that i need a hair dryer......i can't use the hotel ones anymore now that my hair has grown back in thick and full (hallelujah!) so i need my own-and since it's supposed to be a high of 72 MAX i'm thinking i'll freeze if i have wet hair all day! so now i have to do some rearranging! poo!  oh well-and i'll have to make some room for a curling iron-yes, i have not used one in over a year because my hair couldn't handle it after mono, plus i had no hair to curl cause a) it all fell out and b) it was way super short and thin-so no good for curling like i used to-which was super uber suckish because i used to always do a quick curl on the ends and go about my day-i always got compliments and i never spent more than 5 minutes cause it always just fell into place and looked perfectly imperfect-then mono ruined it and i never realized how much a under-appreciated my hair-i have however changed my ways and i'm no longer ungrateful! i am super excited to report that since i started boosting my vitamins and gained a few extra pounds i have thick and full hair again, it's not quite back to it's original state, but it's getting closer and i am SO happy about it.  i have broken 2-count them!- 2 hair ties in the last month, which i never thought i would do again! and today i curled it for the first time just to see if it would still be an easily manageable thing, and it worked :) it is currently happily perfectly imperfectly bouncing around on my head, and i feel like i could be in a hair commercial today. it is definitely something to be happy about today-it also means that my hair will be super easy to maintain on vacation next week too-not that i spend an excessive amount on myself, but with thin hair it took me way longer to get ready! but no more! i will look beautiful and spend little time! yay! we should all have a celebration because this is a miracle moment for sure-appreciate and love it please!  such a beautiful saturday-maybe this will mean this week is destined for greatness! keep your fingers crossed!

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