Tuesday, November 9, 2010

t-minus 17 hours til take off!

i thought this day may not ever come! the last week has been such a rollercoaster and it has taken nearly ten years to get here!  but tomorrow is the big day-well almost lol, at least i'll actually be in birmingham tomorrow night! then it's only one more long day of waiting to be able to see my man and hopefully a surprised look on his face!  so i just now remembered while typing this that i probably shoulda checked in for my flight at 4 pm to get a decent boarding pass number.......yeah well i had a migraine today-they ruin everything in case you didn't already know. i slept right through the 4 o'clock time to check in to be in the early boarding category. dang migraines.  BUT there is good news-i just checked in, positive that i'd have some C boarding pass in the 40's or something, but by some miracle i am an A 18. explain that after all my bad luck last week hahah.  but i'll take it, it's right after business class, so if there is any chance of grandparents on a flight, i may still have a chance to hide in the back of the plane if they don't see me in the gate-we'll see.  my secret secret keeper miss jihae has informed me that their vehicle has been gone all day and that she is pretty sure they have left so we're keeping our fingers crossed over here so that this all goes off without a hitch.  leia said she's ready for me to be there-i'm so glad she's excited to! i hope we have so much fun! i can't wait to get there tomorrow night and spend thursday just hanging out and having fun!  she is such a sweet girl so i'm sure we'll have a blast! and katie sent me a message saying she has my ticket! YAY! it's all finally becoming real and exciting again!  josh still has no idea, he's been with uncle rob all week so it's kept him very busy and hopefully very distracted! uncle rob leaves tomorrow, but josh still has workouts and class and then football meetings at the hotel, so hopefully he'll be too busy to notice that i can't talk much, but we do have a back up plan just in case!  keep those fingers crossed folks!
and tomorrow is finally the big girls day!!!! i cannot wait! i have been dying for it to get here! emily and i always have so much fun, but we never get lots of time to do anything too girly! so tomorrow will be super fun and exciting!  ANNND i get to give her her birthday present! i hope she likes it! okay well i'm off to pack the last few things i need and head to bed cause i have a buttload to do tomorrow before i leave! i don't know that i'll get to posting til i get back, but hopefully the next one i will have a super awesome story to post! yay!

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