Thursday, November 4, 2010

one week to go!

well we are down to just one week before i enthusiasm and excitement is still not back to the level it was before.  i have a plan b and c ready depending on where and when i see the grandparents.  right now i'm feeling like i shouldn't say anything to anyone and surprise them all so it doesn't look like they have all been in on it, because they haven't.  i'm still incredibly disappointed that they will be there since the whole intention was to give Josh a vacation for once and so that he didn't have to balance his time between everyone who came to visit like he always does.  i canceled all of my day trip plans for atlanta yesterday-guess it's a good thing i didn't buy the tickets for the aquarium like i was going to cause it would have been a waste at this point.  we'll just have to hope it all goes at least semi well cause right now i feel like its all gone to crap.  that sounds horrible and selfish, but if you worked for 2 and a half months, you would feel the same way too.  i'm planning another trip for the spring when i can find some money, and i fully intend to make sure NO ONE can ruin anything this time.  and we will go do a day trip to atlanta, and we will go on at least one date by ourselves and we will have a good time-and i will not share or divide my time between anyone for the entire weekend. period. no exceptions at all. 
in other news, i found a super bargain on two pairs of jeans at Urban Xchange a few days ago-less than 15 each, and they are in good shape.  if you want some expensive jeans for cheap, it would be the place to look if you are okay with used!  it's in the strip mall on the corner of val vista and guadalupe if you wanna check it out.  never know what you'll find, but it's worth a shot! and i also found a shirt at marshall's to replace the blue one joshua loved and out grew-maybe i'll take it to him next week, or maybe i'll just mail it-haven't decided which would work best yet!  hopefully the rest of this week goes smoothly and everything ends up and works out fine. i don't know if i can handle anything else going wrong, cause quite frankly the first wrench thrown in all my hard work made me cry. and i haven't slept in 2 days trying to come up with something new.

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