Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So i guess i'm 20 now?

Sunday was my birthday- a rather odd day, birthdays are usually odd to me. it was an okay day as far as birthday's go-other than the fact that i spent most of the day cleaning the house in preparation for thanksgiving, which is now 2 days away!  we had cheesecake at gramma's and i opened my family's gifts-they were very sweet! and after church was over i got to webcam with josh which greatly improved my day because i was feeling rather down about it-he always knows how to make me laugh! he even sent me a cute little video of him singing happy birthday! it was very sweet! and so many friends wished me a happy birthday! i am excited to actually spend a birthday with him next year though and leia has already informed me that we will all need to celebrate together-i am looking forward to it! should be fun! and now i must go clean some more, because mom is stressing out about thanksgiving now lol. tracy and james will be here tomorrow, and i think i'm going to try making some homemade rolls cause i hate the nasty frozen ones! hopefully this is a wonderful thanksgiving for everyone-i'm looking forward to it, but it certainly is not my favorite holiday of all!  i'm sure i will have an update after the big turkey day is over, but for now i'm done typing cause i just had like a million posts and my hands are tired lol!

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