Monday, November 8, 2010

happy birthday to nicole!

today nicole turned 16-kinda crazy to think that she's already 16, but i guess everyone must turn 16 at some point.  i wrapped all of her gifts in sponge bob paper i found several months ago and hung a sponge bob birthday banner across the kitchen for her to see-not too sure how she liked it because there was no real reaction when she came home, i think largely because there was the distraction of a boy.  but as long as she had a good day, that is all that really matters.  we had a quiet family dinner at home, which seems to be more and more rare these days, but it was nice all the same, and then we went to gramma's to have some cake and open her presents.  hopefully she liked them all, it was hard to tell.  i think i have come to the realization that i am incredibly lame, well in the world of high schoolers that is, so i didn't get the reaction i originally expected from my gifts. but things change i guess, the things that we used to enjoy we don't, everyone grows up, one day things are not what they used to be, and that is okay. in time i think i will accept it better when i'm not feeling quite so crushed lol.
just two more painfully long days to go! i think i'll do some housecleaning tomorrow after work to help pass the time. and as soon as my last load of laundry for my trip is done i am off to bed cause i have an early day in casa grande tomorrow!

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