Wednesday, November 10, 2010

girls day=huge success!

My nails are did, my bags are packed, I'm chilling in the gate and I'm a total nervous wreck! I can't believe the day is finally here! It has certainly taken forever! I know I said I wouldn't post for a while but there is pretty much no one here and I'm incredibly bored, plus I have to do something to keep my mind off of my nervousness! Emily and I met up a little before 11 to have our nails done-we both agree that it is incredibly relaxing and we both want a massaging chair. And I have to say my legs have never been more moisturized! Holy crap they use a ton of lotion! But I got a hand, wrist, neck, shoulder, foot and calf massage so I aint complainin! And I smell fruity and delicious! Ha :) Emily got me THE cutest diary journal thing I have ever seen! It is a fill in the blank and multiple choice diary about your day. LOVE it!! It will be so much fun to use! I'm hoping I'll actually be disciplined and start using it on my trip or shortly after and keep up with it!
I am slyly looking around me every ten minutes checking for grandparents, but there are only about 30 or 40 people on the gate and no sign of them yet, so maybe they really did drive there! I'm hoping! I can't wait to land in birmingham and have Leia come pick me up! I won't lie- I am worried I will freeze my buns off the moment I step off the plane, but it was 40 degrees here this morning so I probably won't die lol :) still cold and I don't agree so I'm hoping it stays a little more on the warm side for me! It's finally after 3! Hopefully we'll board in about 30 minutes I am dying to get moving! I need it to be tomorrow already! And then once I see my man it needs to go SLOWWWWWW! Ha I doubt that it will last as long as I hope, but it will be super awesome regardless! I'm so sad that there aren't more people here to entertain my people watching love-that always makes the airport so worth it! okay now I'm really gonna go and pretend to be patient while I wait in this tiny gate! Xoxoxo!

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