Sunday, October 24, 2010

17 days and counting

so i am officially at the 17 day mark in my countdown!  (if we wanna get technical its technically still 18 since it isn't midnight and it isn't the 25th of october....but humor me, 17 sounds so much closer.)  i have officially been productive this weekend-though by looking at the house you probably would not agree ha.  i did however get out the fall decorations, put all the fall flowers back in their pots by the front door, and put out all my pumpkins, baby scarecrows, and logs and i even helped rearrange all of the backyard furniture!  it's all starting to actually look like a backyard now!  it definitely has a long way to go, but one of these days it will get there.  i am excited to plant some fall flowers in my grandmas old fountain that now sits nicely under one of our big bushes-we'll see if mom lets me plant it how i want :) i also wrapped all of the november birthday gifts and it is not even november yet-there is a first time for never procrastinating ha we'll see how long it actually lasts however!  i also filled out my november month calender on the wall, it is looking quite festive with my hand drawn leaves-and for once they actually look like leaves, it is not questionable as to what i drew like last month's bat/pumpkin attempt!
and the best work i did this weekend was get my football game ticket!  my sweet new friend katie offered me one of her free ones so that none of the boys have to remember to write my name down on the list and no one can accidentally say things they aren't supposed to!  hooray! now i can actually start to feel excited because the pieces are all in order, now i just gotta make sure i stay quiet and  try to refrain from packing (though secretly i've had things that i don't use, i.e. my winter pj's, robe, and sweatshirts, oh and miss leia's thank you gift, and my hat for disguise, all packed since the 15th of october......yes that is pathetic, but i am very excited so i'm not feeling like a loser for it ha :) and i know i'll still end up taking all of it out and frantically repacking the night before, because that is just how i roll!
here's to a FAST, good week! and a super duper fast next 17 days-i'm in desperate need of the manicure and pedicure emily and i are going for before my long flight! and i am dying to see my man's face when he discovers me in birmingham :)

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