Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane....Sort Of

Okay so this is slow coming but I'm finally getting around to it-it's hard to keep up with a blog sometimes when life is craziness!  Anyway, so on Thursday Nicole last minute had an emergency and could not go work the Highland High Varsity Football game (why it was on a Thursday, I do not know, other than the fact that cox 7 was there and wanted to film everything, but they were largely a pain and in the way and I did not much appreciate having to work around all of their crapola), so being somewhat experienced at the same job, I told her I would cover for her......this was largely in part because I had NOTHING to do for the evening seeing as Nicole would not be around and Mom and Dad always go out for date night on Thursdays, plus Josh is kinda like 1300 miles away at the moment so that doesn't leave much for hanging out there, and I do believe he was on a "man date" as I would call it with his suite mate Jesse (who happens to be a very nice suite mate and he and Josh are super good buds and I love that!) SO anyways, I went to cover this game, slightly, okay more like incredibly, terrified because its been over 2 years since I have had to fix anything similar to a helmet and the mere thought of something breaking during game time gave me a heart attack so I was pretty sure I would surely die if anything were to go wrong....I probably would have survived seeing as some fire fighter people were there since there were fireworks, but still.  I'm pretty sure I shocked the crap out of most people cause no one knew I was coming and no one would have expected me, so that was kinda cool, plus I got to see so many teachers and coaches that I enjoyed working with when I was there!  I even saw Mr. Vincent, who is the sole reason that I became involved in sports! He's pretty much like a smaller version of my own father and I definitely miss working with the guy!  It was definitely kinda a strange experience since the last time I was on or near the game field was when I was still in high school and when I started dating Joshua.  Part of me loved it, but there was a part of me that felt way funny, I think largely in part because the players I used to know are no longer associated with the numbers I remember and because I only know like maybe 7 of the kids that are still there!  Thankfully nothing went wrong during the game, and I had some great conversations with old friends and teachers!  It was overall a very good evening!  I kept having strange flashbacks of all the times I spent on that field and all of those great memories, its so weird to think that it was really only 2 years ago, but sometimes it feels like it was 20 years ago with all that has happened in the last 2 years.  I don't necessarily miss all the sweat and stinky boys, but I do miss being so close to all of the action, and the great relationships that were built, and it will always be (yes this is preparing for cheesiness, so deal with it) special because it is where I met and fell in love with a very cute football player! :) 

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