Tuesday, October 26, 2010

new friends, mother presents and almost wednesdays

it is almost wednesday, and that is a happy thing for me because wednesday means just 15 more days and that means only 2 more weeks til girls day and my big surprise! "WOOOO!" doesn't even begin to describe the happiness....i don't know that there is an exclamation that does now that i think of it-but that is really irrelevant at this point. ha. anywhoooooo, today i made another new friend, well i guess it isn't exactly that, but i'm counting it as such.  i've made two new friends in birmingham just this week!  they are both very sweet girls- i am very excited to get to meet them in person when i go! and leia told me that we're gonna tailgate which i've never done before so that will be way fun and cool too! hooray!
today was a realatively good day-yesterday not so much, it ended in a lot of tears and ugliness and lets just avoid that part eh? but today i worked and i got to play the piano for a good hour, which i certainly miss-i even pulled out my christmas music because no one was home.  i always like to practice early so that by the time rolls around when i'm actually allowed to play then i'm actually practiced up and it doesn't come out so badly!  i do love christmas music, it's probably one of my most favorite piano playing times!
gramma had her final cataract surgery today! i'm excited to see how much more she'll be able to see now with both eyes done, considering the fact that after the first one she had 20/25 vision, i'm guessing this time she'll be pretty well off too!  i still think it's rather funny that she is surprised she has gray hair....but i guess when you can't see it you wouldn't know! though she is 83 sooooo....haha
tonight my mother kindly brought me some new shirts-well they are just cami's to go under shirts, but i appreciate it nonetheless because they get expensive and i always seem to need them!  she found them on sale at kohl's i guess! i don't really care cause they were free! and free is a beautiful thing for me right now and my tiny little budget!  she also gave me her special kohl's cash coupon-basically it's like free money and it's worth a whole $20! that isn't huge probably, but it's huge for me cause i could really use some long sleeve shirts for my trip and for this winter and i really cannot afford to buy any right now! so i'm hoping maybe i can get one or two or possible 3 and only have to spend maybe $20 of my own along with my free kohl's cash!  we'll see if i get lucky enough for that come this weekend when it becomes usable and i have been paid!  woot!  have a happy wednesday!

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