Thursday, October 28, 2010

early pay day's

tomorrow is friday-friday's are beautiful days in the world, well usually, meaning like 98% of the time!  every other friday is also pay day, and that makes them doubly beautiful days in my book!  but today was thursday-the day before friday and the day before friday pay day-BUT there is a wonderful invention called direct deposit that make friday pay day's even more glorious because friday pay days then come on thursdays instead! hooray! it tis quite a miracle if you ask me-and it is my expert opinion we are talking about here so i'm pretttttyyy sure you should believe me.  so today was a glorious day because it was early pay day ANDDDD i got to work at the downtown office which is always fun since you get to listen to the guys make fun of each other all day long while you are doing your work!  i think it might be slightly counter productive but it is awesomely fun and pretty hilarious when rob and dustin, who have become like instant older brothers to me-kinda scary, but they like josh and they watch his football games even though they have never met him which i think is sweet, so i will let them be my older brothers!  so my day was happily entertained while i did boring data entry which became less boring listening to the two of them and then i happily recieved my check in my account which sent me a happy text saying that a deposit had been made so tomorrow i can go shopping with my happy kohl's cash and buy my much needed long sleeves for my big winter excursion to the great deathly cold across this vast united states.......dramatic? maybe-but i have lived here my whole life so anything less than a high of 44 is genuinely considered freezing. period. no ifs ands or buts.  so i will be getting another long sleeve shirt at least!  (i may have already bought two yesterday on a lunch break outing with my mother and they may or may not have been only $4.99 at ROSS......just saying-you don't pass up that deal my friends!) i hope everyone has a happy happy day!

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