Wednesday, October 20, 2010

it's wednesday!

hooray for wednesdays! i don't always say that, but this week has been pretty good considering the crappy one that was last week!  i have gone walking every morning-and the weather has been wonderful!  this does mean that i have to be up before 7....which does not please me after going to bed at midnight, but hopefully i'll start to have the opportunity for a better sleeping schedule soon!
this week has been rather busy but at least it's all in a positive direction. it is definitely much needed!  i had a hair cut yesterday, which always makes me feel better!  plus i love my girl time with miss sharon cause she is amazing!  i even had my eyebrows waxed this week-which may not be a big deal to most, but since i have had like NO hair for a year, i've had no need for eyebrow fixing-so its a miracle in itself to have to go back in! EXCEPT......the eyebrow lady kindly told me that i have uneven eyebrows- I was thinking she meant of course that the two large bushes on my face were uneven and needed fixed so i said "they probably are cause i haven't had any eyebrows for like a year and they just recently started growing like crazy." And then she says (as only the chinese ladies at the nail place can say), "No, no, I mean on your face, one is higher up than the other.  But don't worry, i will trim for you so they will never notice!"  THANK YOU EYEBROW LADY!!!! that just really made me feel SOOOO much better about myself!!  Now everytime i walk by a mirror i wanna get out my ruler and make sure they don't look too uneven before anyone looks at my face!!!! geez i'm gonna be self conscious about it forever now!  she didn't say it to be mean, i think it is rather funny myself, and i must say she did a fantastic job! best i've had so far, but i'm still worried about my one high eyebrow now.....
lots of things have made my heart happy this week.  for instance, Emily texted me in the middle of the day and told me that her wonderful man called her while he was at the airport waiting to leave for Honduras-he'll be gone for two years, so it's kinda a big deal! and they got to talk twice!  they are such a sweet love story-i am rather in love with the fact that they are in love-or i guess i'm more in love with the fact that Emily is in love cause we've been best friends for probably a good 8 years now, and i could not be more happy for her :) i love that we are sharing a lot of the same experiences together-it definitely makes life very fun!
AND Joshua has been a booger this week!  okay maybe booger isn't the way to describe it!  he is such a sweetheart, but sometimes he tortures the crap out of me!!!!!!! i love it but it certainly drives me crazy!  he told me recently that he was working on making my ring-if that isn't enough to torture me then i don't know what is!  so of course i'm excited as crap that he told me this and just DYING to know what it's gonna look like and when i get to see it and when he's gonna propose!  and then i started freaking out about it because i'm Alycia Hall and that's what i do-so i've overanalyzed ever possible way that this could possibly go down and i KNOW i'm not even CLOSE because i so do not ever figure out what Joshua plans SO basically i'm now torturing myself cause he just gave me baby clues and nothing i can actually go off of!!!!! and he likes to remind me about it OFTEN! and when i tell him i need some more hints he gives me a roundabout answer so he doesn't actually have to give me the hint-he thinks he's a brilliant genius and i think he's a big fat meany :) but i do love that he is excited about it-he's pretty cute when he's very excited-and i love that he always thinks of the sweetest ways to surprise me!  this will be yet another surprise in the books for him when it comes time, and i still have nothing on him.....YET!  he also oh so lovingly told me that he was surprising me for my birthday.....UH seriously?!?! he is just trying to kill me before december even gets here!  i have no idea what he has up his sleeve but that boy better not do something crazy!! we will have to see how it goes-maybe he'll forget about it once i have some points on the board ;)

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