Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear Hobby Lobby, You Are AWESOME!

So I have to say today was an overall good day, minus the part where my phone completely quit working-but the nice lady and dude and t-mobile fixed it and now its all better!  I went to the chiropractor in the morning and the nerve that was pinching my lower back has been loosened so no more pain or bulging disks-hooray!  I also went to Hobby Lobby in search of  a piece for a craft so I can finish it up........and wellllllll i can never go in there for just one thing and come out with just the ONE thing....its quite horrible really, but when you freaking SCORE how do you NOT walk out of that wonderful place without?!?!?!?!?!!? it is quite impossible, if you were case you were also wondering I did some research and Hobby Lobby exists less than 15 miles from Birmingham! SCORE Joshua for picking a school near Hobby Lobby so that when I move I never have to be without!!!!! I knew I loved that boy :) just kidding......BUT seriously, I think I might have to die if I had to move to Birmingham and there was no Hobby Lobby, I mean its bad enough that the nearest IKEA is in like freaking Kentucky, which I know isn't super far away but it is not just downtown! and that my friends is unexceptable....on EVERY level. So anyway, lets just be happy about Hobby Lobby :) Today when I stopped in I super scored because I'm awesome :) well mostly it's because THEY (meaning the wonderful people of Hobby Lobby) are awesome and they were having a super mega sale on almost everything I have been looking at the last 5 times I've been there!  I have been a very good girl and I've been saving my money, but they seriously have some super cute things that I just need to have in my possession at some point, and today my patient waiting paid off, cause I didn't pay more than $5 for any of the things I have been eyeing :) I saved 40% and 50% on everything I bought today :) I even got a super awesome Christmas gift for my mother, who I know was eyeing it last time we were in the store but she never buys things unless they are on sale either-now you know where I get it :) Now the trick will be to keep her away til the sale is over so she can't go discover it herself and therefore kill the awesomeness of my gift shopping :) I love finding a wonderful bargain!  And because I know there was more there that I was eyeing and my mom mentioned something else about it today...I'm going back tomorrow to score again haha this time to find more Christmas gifts! Because gifts under $10 is a wonderful thing don't you know? and I'll be done before I ever hit the Christmas rush!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO! I also have the dreaded task of  buying a new pair of workout shoes....yuckkkyyyy. Hopefully that will go better than I see it going in my head right now! Maybe I'll score big there too and find something wonderful that makes me want to workout all the time! Okay enough about bargain shopping! It's time for bed! And tomorrow I shall tell of the wonderful evening I had working Highland's Varsity Football game...just like old times, except way not....ha! Have a wonderful day!


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