Friday, October 15, 2010

ahhh Friday....

This has been kinda a ridiculous week, I won't lie.  Things have been SO busy and SO stressful.  Sometimes I am just ready to give up completely, sometimes I want to just pull my hair out of my head, sometimes I feel like doing nothing but crying, and sometimes I want to just scream.  There has not been much laughter or smiling, except on the rare days when I can webcam with Joshua or he tells me something exciting.  I will say the best part of the week was when he told me he was so excited to finally have his idea for my ring and that he was so excited to have all of the pieces and couldn't wait to tell me more but wanted to keep it a secret still.....BOOGER!  He knows how much I hate having so little information-it kills me.  I do think its very sweet that he is so excited about it and tries so hard to find things he can tell me without giving it away! Its pretty cute!  I'm quite excited myself to see how it all turns out and what it looks like and I'm dying to know how he's going to propose, but unfortunately I will have to be waiting for that, because he won't even HINT at it......again, BOOGER! SO unfair, but I don't really want him to spoil it so I guess I'll try to exercise some PATIENCE.....which is nearly impossible because it was the one and only virtue that I was unfortunately, NOT blessed with.  It seems to be increasingly important lately-and yet, I still have no luck!  Maybe one day by some miracle it will appear-until then I should probably be checked for high blood pressure!  In other news, my Christmas gifts that I ordered online last week are almost here......well half of them are here and the other half are still being shipped......USPS is incredibly SLOW sometimes.  And I less than appreciate it when they SHOVE my WHOLE LARGE package into the TINY mailbox instead of nicely getting off their lazy behinds and walking it to my door. RUDE. Thank goodness nothing has been damaged yet, or someone would be getting an EARFUL. As soon as they arrive I do believe that I will only have 2 items left to find, and that my friends is a miracle, and I took care of 7 families, 4 friends, 5 family members, Joshua, 3 birthdays, 2 baby shower gifts, 1 wedding gift and 1 thank you gift-all under $350. I am kinda awesome if I do say so myself.  I even got a "me" present or two cause I needed one!  Yay me!  I am seriously counting down the days til November now-the wait is KILLING me! But hopefully the time will go fast and things will work out great! 

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